Plymouth Branch New Chairman

Plymouth Branch New Chairman

One hundred and two members attended the September Branch meeting and extended a very warm welcome to our very busy President Cmdre: Greame Little OBE ADC, Naval Base Commander Devonport, and to participate in the election of a new Branch Chairman.
Our President took the opportunity to enlighten members of the success relating to the transfer of the Royal Marine Amphibious Force to the Base, present activity and future projection relating to Ship Refit programmes, Base Porting and mentioned the significant contribution members are making not only mentoring new recruits, support to the Sea Cadets but also RNA exposure in the community. .

Members listened intently to the presentation by the two candidates for Chairman, S/m's Carl Beeson who joined the Branch in 1987 and Des McCarthy.
S/m McCarthy was duly elected after his submission conveyed to members his managerial experience, knowledge of our Association, emphasising the prime element of the RNA is the Branch and the single and most important factor is to maintain the enthusiasm of membership.
Carl was magnanimous in defeat and said our Branch would go from strength to strength.

Photo Shows Branch President congratulating Shipmate McCarthy.