Newark RNA Pickle Night 2011

Newark RNA Pickle Night 2011

The sale of tickets and raffle tickets for the Pickle Night, held at Staythorpe Club on Saturday 19th November raised £1142 for Newark Patriotic Fund. Guests, including the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Patriotic Fund, Mr Patrick Mercer and Mr Keith Girling, the Mayor and Mayoress of Newark and Commander Eric Langley RN, heard the story of HMS Pickle’s race to get the news of Nelson’s victory at Trafalgar, but also his untimely death, to the Admiralty in London. The story was told through a series of readings read by members of the RNA dressed in 1805 period dress. The ceremony of Colours started the formal part of the evening and Sunset brought the evening to a close. During the evening the Sea Cadets of TS Newark Castle spelt out Nelson’s famous signal using semaphore flags, each movement timed to correspond with appropriate nautical music.