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A big thank from the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity

Thank you so much for your recent donation of £3,000.00 made from The Royal Naval
Association to The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity.
The ongoing support given by the RNA is hugely appreciated. We are seeing more and more
involvement from branches across the country. In addition to these head office funds, we have
received support in the way of fundraising and donations from area branches: 3 donations
totalling £700.00 so far this year and 25 donations totalling £5670 during 2015. We have also
received voluntary support at a number of events and have on occasion called upon RNA
members to represent RNRMC at cheque presentations.
Please do pass on my grateful thanks to all RNA members for their friendship and support.
We very much look forward to even more closer between the two organisations in future
Thank you once again for your kind donation and for helping RNRMC to achieve our vision of
supporting our sailors, marines and their families, for life.