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Advice And Support Guide Zoom Meetings V1 1Advice And Support Guide Zoom Meetings V1 1
pdf 2020 06 06 Covid 19 Advice And Support Guide Zoom Meetings V1 (1.69MB)

Advice and support guide Zoom Meetings

Advice and support guide - Zoom Meetings v1-1

Please see the attached advice note regarding Zoom meetings which is an extension to the previous Zoom user advice forwarded in the Semaphore Circular.  While it is very easy to kiss off technology and ditch this in the “all too difficult” gash sack (recyclable of course!) I would commend you to at least consider this.

It would appear that we are talking about at least a year before a Covid-19 vaccine is produced and it may take up to 6 months after that to ensure the population is completely immunised.  This implies that social distancing will be in force until then ……..another 18 months!

Clearly, that’s not good news for our Association which is all about comradeship and being able to meet.  Even when bars and restaurants are allowed to open next month, the inference is that this will be outdoors to start with.  This may be possible for some Branches and Clubs but, for many, this may not be practicable.  Even then, we have a large proportion of our membership who will remain in the “at risk” category and will not be able to attend.  We may therefore be left with this form of internet communication for some time.

I know that several branches have conducted branch meetings and committee meetings online already, indeed, the National Council has successfully met using this technology.  I would therefore commend to you to at least have a go and experiment with it.  As the Prime Minister alluded to only yesterday in his Covid-19 Downing St briefing, social isolation is a real issue, and achieving some level of proficiency with this technology may go some way to at least addressing this.

To that end, should any Branch which is already using the basic Zoom package and might wish to upgrade to Zoom Pro at £11.99/month in order to avoid the 40 minute time limit the basic package provides, can claim this back from Central Office.

Many thanks, and please remain vigilant.  We are men and women of discipline and I note that within the general public this discipline is dissipating somewhat.  Please continue to follow Government guidelines and keep safe.  All our Shipmates are valuable to us.

Please download the Advice and Support Guide on the Left

As ever,


W Oliphant CEO/ General Secretary